
Python: Convert timedelta to milliseconds

This article will discuss how we can convert the datetime module’s timedelta object to total milliseconds in python. Background: In Python’s datetime module, the datetime.timedelta represents the duration between two dates, time, or datetime objects. For example, we have two timestamps as datetime objects, If you want the difference between these two timestamps, you can

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Convert timedelta to seconds in Python

This article will discuss how we can convert the datetime module’s timedelta object to total seconds in python. A little insight about the problem in hand, In the datetime module, the datetime.timedelta represents the difference between two dates, time, or datetime objects. For example, we have two timestamps as datetime objects, If you want the

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Python: Delete specific characters from a string

In this article, we will discuss different ways to remove specific characters from a string in python. For example, we have a string, And we want to delete all occurrences of some specific characters from the string. These specific characters are, ‘&’ ‘#’ ‘@’ ‘!’ ‘;’ ‘,’ ‘:’ ‘\” After removing these specific characters from

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Remove multiple character from a string in Python

In this article, we will discuss four different ways to delete multiple characters from a string in python. Suppose we have a string “A small sample String for testing” and a list of characters that need to be deleted from string i.e. Let’s see how to delete these characters from the string. Delete multiple characters from string using translate() function

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