
What is weak_ptr in Modern C++ & why do we need it?

In modern C++ programming, smart pointers provides automatic memory management. Among these smart pointers, shared_ptr is widely used because it takes care of releasing memory when it is no longer needed, thanks to reference counting. However, misusing shared_ptr can lead to issues like memory leaks, especially in complex data structures such as binary trees. Let’s

What is weak_ptr in Modern C++ & why do we need it? Read More »

How not to use Smart Pointers in C++?

In modern C++, std::shared_ptr is a smart pointer that manages shared ownership of a dynamically allocated object. It is part of the C++ Standard Library’s memory header. Shared pointers keep track of how many objects own a particular resource and automatically delete the resource when there are no owners left. However, if not used carefully,

How not to use Smart Pointers in C++? Read More »

What is shared_ptr in C++?

In this article, we will discuss one of the most used Smart Pointers in C++: shared_ptr. What is std::shared_ptr<>? The std::shared_ptr is a smart pointer class provided by C++11. Multiple std::shared_ptr objects can point to same dynamically allocated memory. It ensures automatic deletion of the associated memory when there are no more shared_ptr instances pointing

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