The auto Keyword in C++11

C++11 brought a lot of features in C++ to make the language easier to use, more efficient, and better suited for modern programming tasks. One of these features is the auto keyword for type inference. The addition of auto allows developers to write less code, reduce redundancy, and maintain code more easily, especially when dealing with complex data types or templates. This article will look into the uses of auto, how to leverage it, and important points to remember when using it.

What is auto Keyword in C++11?

Introduced in C++11, the auto keyword enables developers to declare a variable without explicitly specifying its data type. Instead, the compiler deduces the type of the variable from the initialization expression. This feature is quite handy, as it simplifies the code and makes it more readable, especially when the data type is complex or obvious from the context.

Declaring Variables with auto

Here’s how you can use auto to declare variables:

// Storing an int in an auto variable
auto var_1 = 5;
// Storing a character in an auto variable
auto var_2 = 'C';

std::cout << var_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << var_2 << std::endl;

In the above example, var_1 is deduced to be of type int and var_2 as type char.

Using auto with Different Types

The auto keyword is versatile and can be used with any type, including functions or iterators. For instance, you can store a lambda function in an auto variable like so:

// Storing a Lambda function in an auto variable
auto fun_sum = [](int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

std::cout << fun_sum(4, 5) << std::endl;

Simplifying Complex Type Declarations

One of the main advantages of auto is when you’re dealing with types that are cumbersome to write out. Consider a std::map with std::string keys and values:

std::map<std::string, std::string> mapOfStrs;

// Inserting data into the map
mapOfStrs.insert({"first", "1"});
mapOfStrs.insert({"sec", "2"});
mapOfStrs.insert({"third", "3"});

To iterate over this map and display its contents, you traditionally need to declare an iterator like this:

Frequently Asked:

// Iterating over the map and displaying all data
for (std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it = mapOfStrs.begin(); it != mapOfStrs.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << it->first << "::" << it->second << std::endl;

However, with auto, this becomes much simpler:

// Iterating using auto
for (auto itr = mapOfStrs.begin(); itr != mapOfStrs.end(); ++itr)
    std::cout << itr->first << "::" << itr->second << std::endl;

Important Points About auto in C++11

Immutability of Type

Once you have initialized an auto variable, you can change its value but not its type:

auto x = 1;
// This will cause a compile-time error because 'x' is of type int
// x = "dummy";

Requirement of Initialization

An auto variable cannot be left uninitialized because its type is deduced from the initializer:

// This will cause a compile-time error
// auto a;

Returning auto from a Function

When you want to return an auto variable from a function, you use a trailing return type:

auto sum(int x, int y) -> int {
    return x + y;

// Calling the function that returns 'auto'
auto value = sum(3, 5);

In this example, auto is used to specify that the return type of the function sum is the same as the type of the expression in the return statement. The -> int is a trailing return type specifying that the return type is int.


The auto keyword is a powerful feature in C++11 that simplifies code and makes it more adaptable. It reduces the verbosity of complex type declarations, thus making the code cleaner and easier to maintain. While it’s tempting to use auto everywhere, it’s important to remember that explicit type declaration can sometimes make the code more understandable, especially when the type isn’t immediately clear from the context. Use auto judiciously to strike the right balance between brevity and clarity in

3 thoughts on “The auto Keyword in C++11”

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