
What is the make_unique in C++ & what is its benefit

In this article, we will discuss about the make_unique<>() in C++ and what are its advantages. In the modern C++, memory management has been made significantly easier and safer through smart pointers. The std::make_unique<T>() is a utility function introduced in C++14. It lets the C++ runtime system handle memory allocation without the programmer needing to

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Introduction to Smart Pointers in Modern C++

Smart Pointers were introduced by C++11 Standard. Smart pointers are a significant advancement that addresses the longstanding challenge of memory management in C++ programming. The Problem of Memory Management Traditionally, managing memory in C++ has involved two primary operations: allocating memory with the new operator and releasing it using the delete operator. This manual process

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Remove duplicates from List of dictionaries by keys in Python

This tutorial will discuss how to remove duplicates from list of dictionaries by keys in Python. Suppose we have a list of dictionaries, and within this list, there might be duplicate dictionaries. # A List of Dictionaries sampleList = [ {"id": 44, "name": "Ritika"}, {"id": 55, "name": "Sanjay"}, {"id": 44, "name": "Ankit"}, {"id": 33, "name":

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