Javascript: Remove backslash escaping

This article will discuss removing backslash escape character from a javascript string using simple methods and example illustrations.

Table of Contents:-

Javascript remove backslash escape from a string using replace()

The replace() method in javascript will look for a particular pattern in the calling string and replace it with a replacement. The pattern is the first argument and can be a regular expression. The replacement is the second argument


Remove all the escape characters from the string “This-\\Is-\\\\Dummy\\String\\\\\\\\”


let dummyString =  "This-\\Is-\\\\Dummy\\String\\\\\\\\"
dummyString =  dummyString.replace(/\\/g, '') 
console.log( dummyString )


The regular expression /\\/g is passed as the first argument in the replace() method where,

  • / and / mark the beginning and end of the pattern
  • \\ specifies to match backslash escape in the string
  • g specifies to replace all occurrences.

The replacement passed as the second argument is (”), which means nothing.



Javascript remove backslash escape from a string using replaceAll()

The replaceAll() method in javascript will replace all the occurrences of a particular character/string in the calling string with a replacement. The character/string is the first argument. The replacement is the second argument.


Remove all the escape characters from the string “This-\\Is-\\\\Dummy\\String\\\\\\\\”


let dummyString =  "This-\\Is-\\\\Dummy\\String\\\\\\\\"
dummyString =  dummyString.replaceAll("\\", '') 
console.log( dummyString)


The replaceAll() method is used to find the double quotes (\\) passed in as the first argument and replace all its occurrences with (”) passed as the second argument.



Javascript remove double quotes from a string using split() and join()

Javascript’s split() method returns an array of substrings formed by splitting a given string.

Javascript’s join() method joins the elements of the array back into a string.


Remove all the escape characters from the string “This-\\Is-\\\\Dummy\\String\\\\\\\\”


let dummyString =  "This-\\Is-\\\\Dummy\\String\\\\\\\\"
dummyString =  dummyString.split("\\").join('')
console.log( dummyString )


The above code uses the split() method to split the original string into an array of substrings. The division is done based on a backslash escape (\\). Finally, using the join() method, these array elements are joined back to form a string without double-quotes.



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I hope this article helped you to delete backslash escape from a string in javascript. Good Luck !!!

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