Remove element with Maximum value in Python List

This tutorial will discuss how to remove element with maximum value in Python list.

Suppose we have a list of numbers.

sampleList = [45, 67, 22, 45, 22, 89, 71, 22, 89, 51]

If we want to remove the element with the maximum value from this list, we first need to identify the highest number. We can achieve this by passing the list to the max() function, which will return the highest number in the list.

# Find the highest number
highestNumber = max(sampleList)

Subsequently, by calling the remove() method of the list and passing this number as an argument, we can remove the highest value. It’s important to note that the remove method will delete only the first occurrence of the value in the list. If we want to remove all occurrences of the maximum number from the list, we will need to call the remove() method in a loop until the number is no longer present in the list.

Let’s see the complete example,

# A List of Numbers
sampleList = [45, 67, 22, 45, 22, 89, 71, 22, 89, 51]
print("Original List:", sampleList)

# Find the highest number
highestNumber = max(sampleList)

while highestNumber in sampleList:
    # Remove the highest number in List

print("List after removing the highest number:")


Original List: [45, 67, 22, 45, 22, 89, 71, 22, 89, 51]
List after removing the highest number:
[45, 67, 22, 45, 22, 71, 22, 51]


Today, we learned how to remove element with maximum value in Python list.

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