Set count() function in C++ STL

This tutorial will discuss about the set count() function in C++ stl.

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In the C++ Standard Template Library (STL), the set is a container designed to store unique elements in a sorted sequence. The count() member function of the set container is utilized to determine the number of instances of a particular element present in the set.

Syntax of set::count() Function

size_type count(const value_type& value) const;

– value: This is the value of the element that we want to count in the set. The type of this parameter is value_type, which corresponds to the data type of the elements stored in the set.

Return Value:
– Returns 1 if the element is found in the set.
– Returns 0 if the element is not found in the set.

The set class provides a function named count(), which accepts a value as an argument and returns the occurrence count of that value in the set. Since a set contains only unique elements, if the value exists in the set, the return value will always be 1.

This function can also serve as a means to check if an element exists in the set or not. If the return value is 1, it indicates the value exists in the set. Conversely, a return value of 0, means the element does not exist in the set.

Example of set::count()

Let’s see the complete example,

#include <iostream>
#include <set>

int main()
    std::set<int> numbers = {11, 22, 33, 44, 55};

    std::cout << "Count of 22 in the set: " << numbers.count(20) << "n";

    std::cout << "Count of 60 in the set: " << numbers.count(60) << "n";

    // Get the occurrence count of value 22 in set
    // and also use that to check if element is in set or not
    if (numbers.count(22))
        std::cout << "Element 22 exists in set n";
        std::cout << "Element 22 does not exists in set n";

    return 0;


Count of 22 in the set: 0
Count of 60 in the set: 0
Element 22 exists in set

Scenarios for Exceptions and Undefined Behavior with set::count()

Thread Safety: If the set is being accessed from multiple threads, and at least one of them modifies the set while another is performing a count() operation, it might lead to race conditions or undefined behavior. In such scenarios, it’s vital to use synchronization primitives or other concurrency control mechanisms.


Today, we learned about set count() function in C++ stl.

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