Remove a backslash from a String in PHP

This article, will discuss multiple ways to remove a backslash from a string in PHP.

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Sometimes when handling strings in PHP, especially those derived from external sources or user inputs, you may encounter backslashes that you need to remove. For example, a string like “This is a sample string” should be converted to “This is a sample string” by removing the backslashes.

Solution 1: Using str_replace()

The str_replace() function in PHP can be effectively used to replace all occurrences of a specified character, in this case, a backslash, with another character or an empty string.

Let’s see the complete example,

$originalString = "This is a sample string";
// Remove backslashes
$cleanString = str_replace("\", "", $originalString);

// Display the result
echo $cleanString;


This is a sample string

In this example, str_replace(“\”, “”, $originalString) replaces all occurrences of backslashes in $originalString with an empty string. It’s a straightforward method to remove specific characters from a string.

Solution 2: Using preg_replace()

If you need more control or are dealing with complex patterns, preg_replace() with a suitable regular expression can be used. However, for simply removing backslashes, str_replace() is typically more efficient and simpler.

Let’s see the complete example,

$originalString = "This is a sample string";
// Regular expression to remove backslashes
$cleanString = preg_replace('/\\/', '', $originalString);

// Display the result
echo $cleanString;


This is a sample string

In this code, preg_replace(‘/\\/’, ”, $originalString) uses a regular expression to match backslashes. Remember that in regular expressions, a backslash must be escaped with another backslash, hence the use of \\ to represent a single backslash.


To remove backslashes from a string in PHP, str_replace() is the most straightforward and efficient method, especially for simple scenarios. preg_replace() can also be used, but it’s generally more suitable for complex patterns and situations where greater control over the string manipulation is required. Both methods effectively achieve the goal of cleaning up strings by removing unwanted backslashes.

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