Remove a string after a comma in PHP

This article, will discuss multiple ways to remove a string after a comma in PHP.

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When working with strings in PHP, you might face a situation where you need to eliminate everything in a string after a comma. This is a common requirement in data parsing or formatting. For instance, if you have a string like “Sample String, extra text”, the goal is to remove , extra text, resulting in just “Sample String”.

Solution 1: Using explode() and Selecting the First Element

A straightforward approach is to use the explode() function. This function splits a string into an array using a specified delimiter, in this case, a comma. The first element of the array will be the string before the comma.

Let’s see the complete example,

$originalString = "Sample String, with additional information";
// Explode the string into an array using comma as the delimiter
$parts = explode(',', $originalString);

// The first element of the array contains the string before the comma
$resultString = $parts[0];

// Display the result
echo $resultString;


Sample String

In this example, $originalString is split at the comma, creating an array. $parts[0] is the first segment of the string before the comma. This method works well when the string contains a comma.

Solution 2: Using strstr() with the before_needle Parameter

Another effective method involves using the strstr() function. By setting the before_needle parameter to true, the function returns the part of the string before the first occurrence of the specified character, in this case, a comma.

Let’s see the complete example,

$originalString = "Sample String, with additional information";

// Use strstr to find the substring before the comma
$resultString = strstr($originalString, ',', true);

// Display the result
echo $resultString;


Sample String

Here, strstr($originalString, ‘,’, true) finds the first occurrence of a comma in $originalString and returns everything before it. This method is concise and effective, especially when dealing with strings where the position of the comma might vary.


To remove everything after a comma in a string in PHP, the explode() function can be used to split the string and then select the first element, or the strstr() function can be utilized with the before_needle parameter set to true. Both methods offer a straightforward way to manipulate strings based on a specific delimiter, making them suitable for a range of applications in string processing and data manipulation.

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