Append to a Python dictionary using a for loop

This tutorial will discuss how to append to a Python dictionary using a for loop.

Suppose we have a dictionary and we want to add items to this dictionary in a for loop.

# Student data dictionary with names as keys and ages as values
student_data = {
    "Varun Sharma": 21,
    "Renuka Singh": 19,
    "Sachin Roy": 20

The new items we want to add are in a list of tuples.

# List of additional student data to append
new_items = [
    ("John Smith", 18),
    ("Sara Johnson", 22),
    ("Alex Williams", 20)

To add all the items in this list into the dictionary, we iterate over all the items in the list of tuples. For each tuple, we add a new key-value pair to the dictionary using square brackets.

# Append additional student data to the
# dictionary using a for loop
for name, age in new_items:
    student_data[name] = age

This is how we can add or append to a dictionary using a for loop in Python.

Let’s see the complete example,

# Student data dictionary with names as keys and ages as values
student_data = {
    "Varun Sharma": 21,
    "Renuka Singh": 19,
    "Sachin Roy": 20

# List of additional student data to append
new_items = [
    ("John Smith", 18),
    ("Sara Johnson", 22),
    ("Alex Williams", 20)

# Append additional student data to the
# dictionary using a for loop
for name, age in new_items:
    student_data[name] = age

# Print the updated student data dictionary


{'Varun Sharma': 21, 'Renuka Singh': 19, 'Sachin Roy': 20, 'John Smith': 18, 'Sara Johnson': 22, 'Alex Williams': 20}


Today, we learned how to append to a Python dictionary using a for loop.

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