Logical “and” & “or” with if statement in Python

In this Python tutorial, you will learn how to use the logical and (&&), logical or (||) operators with if statement in Python.

Table Of Contents

Let’s dive into the tutorial.

logical “and” & “or” operators in Python

The logical operators are used to check the conditions and return boolean values. If the condition satisfies, then they will return True, otherwise False. In other words, logical operators can be used to combine conditional statements like if, if-else, etc.

logical and:

The logical and operator will return True, when all the conditions specified are True, otherwise, it will return False. We can use the ‘and’ operator to implement logical and.


condition1 and condition2 and ..............

To create a condition, we can use relational operators, comparison operators, etc. For example,

if (count > 0) and (count < 100):

logical or:

The logical or operator will return True when any of the conditions specified is True, otherwise, it will return False. We can use the ‘or’ operator to implement logical or.


condition1 or condition2 or ..............

To create a condition, we can use relational operators, comparison operators, etc. For example,

if (count == 1) or (count == 3):

Example 1:

In this example, we will use logical and, or operators to check some conditions.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check if a is greater than b and  a is not equal to b
print(a>b and a!=b)

# Check if a is greater than b or a is  equal to b
print(a>b or a==b)

# Check if a is less  than b and  a is not equal to b
print(a<b and a!=b)



In the above code, we are

  1. Checking if a is greater than b and a is not equal to b. It will return True, since both the conditions are satisfied.
  2. Checking if a is greater than b or a is equal to b. It will return True, since the first condition is satisfied.
  3. Checking if a is less than b and a is not equal to b. It will return False, since the first condition is not satisfied.

Using logical “and” with if statement

We can use these logical operators, to check the condition with if block. If the condition is True, then code inside if block is executed, otherwise, it will go to the next statements.

logical “and” is used with if condition followed by the syntax

if(condition1 and  condition2 and  ..............):
    statements inside if block
next statements

If all the conditions specified inside if the condition is True, then statements inside if block will be executed and the next statements are also executed. Otherwise, code inside the if-block will be skipped and only the next statements are executed.

Example 1:

Check if a is greater than b and a is not equal to b.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check if a is greater than b and  a is not equal to b
if(a>b and a!=b):
    print("a is greater and not equal to b")

# Other statements


a is greater and not equal to b

We can see that the condition specified inside if block is True, hence print() statement inside if block is executed and finally next print() statement is executed outside if block.

Example 2:

Check if a is less than b and a is not equal to b.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check if a is less than b and  a is not equal to b
if(a<b and a!=b):
    print("a is greater and not equal to b")

#other statements



We can see that the condition specified inside if block is False, hence print() statement inside if block is not executed and only the next print() statement is executed outside the if block.

Example 3:

We can also use the else block if the condition fails in if block.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check if a is less than b and  a is not equal to b
if(a<b and a!=b):
    print("a is lesser and not equal to b")
    print("a is greater and not equal to b")


a is greater and not equal to b

We can see that condition inside if block is False, so else block is executed.

Using logical “or” with if statement

The logical “or” is used with if condition followed by the syntax.

if(condition1 or  condition2 or  ..............):
    statements inside if block
next statements

If any of the conditions specified inside if a condition is True, then statements inside if block will be executed and the next statements are also executed. Otherwise, only the next statements are executed.

Example 1:

Check if a is greater than b or a is not equal to b.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check if a is greater than b or  a is not equal to b
if(a>b or a!=b):
    print("a is greater or not equal to b")

#other statements


a is greater or not equal to b

We can see that the condition specified inside if block is True. Hence print() statement inside if block is executed and finally next print() statement is executed outside if block.

Example 2:

Check if a is less than b or a is equal to b.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check if a is less or b and  a is  equal to b
if(a<b or a==b):
    print("a is greater or  equal to b")

#other statements



We can see that the condition specified inside if block is False. Hence print() statement inside if block is not executed and only the next print() statement is executed outside if block.

Example 3:

We can also use the else block if the condition fails in the if block.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check if a is less than b or  a is  equal to b
if(a<b or a==b):
    print("a is lesser or not equal to b")
    print("a is greater or not equal to b")


a is greater or not equal to b

Using logical “and” logical “or” with if statement

If we want to specify the multiple conditions, then we can apply both the operators in a condition.


In this example, we will check whether a greater than 34 and b less than 45 or b is equal to 21.

# Create two integer variables and assign values to it

# Check whether a greater than 34 and b less than 45
# or b is equal to 21
if((a>34 and b < 45) or (b==21)):
    print("Welcome to thispointer")

print("other code")


Welcome to thispointer
other code

To check whether a greater than 34 and b is less than 45, we used “and” logical operator. Then we used the logical “or” operator to check if b is equal to 21. So, if either of (a>34 and b < 45) or (b==21) is True, then if-block will get executed.


In this logical operators tutorial, we have seen how to place conditions using logical “and” & “or” operators. Based on the need for your application, you can include these operators in your code/project. Happy Coding.

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