How to use Pandas groupby() with sum()?

The combination of pandas groupby() and sum() function comes in handy multiple times in data science to summarize any statistics or feature engineering. In this article, we will look at how to use these functions together.

Table of Contents

Preparing DataSet

To quickly get started, let’s create a sample dataframe to experiment. We’ll use the pandas library with some random data.

import pandas as pd

# List of Tuples
employees = [('Shubham', 24, 'Tech',  5),
             ('Riti', 45, 'Tech' ,  7),
             ('Shanky', 12, 'PMO' ,  2),
             ('Shreya', 8, 'Design' ,  2),
             ('Aadi', 15, 'Tech', 11),
             ('Sim', 18, 'Tech', 4)]

# Create a DataFrame object from list of tuples
df = pd.DataFrame(  employees,
                    columns=['Name', 'Salary', 'Team', 'Experience'])


Contents of the created dataframe are,

      Name  Salary    Team  Experience
0  Shubham      24    Tech           5
1     Riti      45    Tech           7
2   Shanky      12     PMO           2
3   Shreya       8  Design           2
4     Aadi      15    Tech          11
5      Sim      18    Tech           4

Using pandas groupby and sum for all columns

Both these functions are very straightforward, so let’s implement them directly on the above DataFrame. Consider that we need to groupby on the “Team” column and get the sum for the rest of the columns.

# group by team and sum all the columns
print (df.groupby('Team').sum())


        Salary  Experience
Design       8           2
PMO         12           2
Tech       102          27

As observed, we got the sum of all the numerical columns (“Salary” and “Experience”) by the “Team” column.

Using pandas groupby and sum for a single column

In cases, where we want to get the sum of any specific column instead of all the columns, we can tweak our code as below.

# group by team and get the sum of Experience column
print (df.groupby('Team')['Experience'].sum())


Design     2
PMO        2
Tech      27
Name: Experience, dtype: int64

We can convert it to pandas DataFrame by performing reset_index() on the above output.

Sorting the output from pandas groupby and sum

In cases where we want the output to be sorted by the grouped column, we will use the sort attribute in groupby.

# sort the output by Team in descending order
print (df.groupby('Team', sort=False).agg({'Experience':'sum'}))


Tech            27
PMO              2
Design           2

Here you go, we have the output sorted by the grouped column in descending order. We can also sort it by the values by using the sort_values function.


In this article, we have discussed how to use the pandas groupby with the sum function.

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