Print a variable & string on the same line in Python

In this Python tutorial, you will learn how to print a variable and string on the same line.

Table Of Contents

Let’s discuss some approaches to print a variable and string on the same line in Python.

While using print() function in Python, the comma (,) is used to combine two or more variables without any separator.



where input is the variable that can be string or integers.

Example 1:

In this example, we will print two variables using the, operator along with a string.

input_str1 = "Welcome to"

input2 = 456

# Display the two variables along with string
print(input_str1 , input2, "Are displayed")


Welcome to 456 Are displayed

We can see that two variables are displayed on the same line along with the string -“Are displayed”.

Example 2:

In this example, we will display three variables along with the string on the same line using the operator.

input_str1 = "Welcome to"

input2 = 456

# Consider the below float variable
input3 = 456.566

# Print the three variables on the same line
print(input_str1 , input2, input3, "are on the same line")


Welcome to 456 456.566 are on the same line

We can see that three variables along with string are displayed on the same line.

The %s is used to specify the string variables. It is used to print string variables.
The %d specifies the integer variables. It is used to print int variables.
The %f specifies the float variables. It is used to print float variables.


"%s%d%f" % (input_str, input_integer, input_float)

where input_str is the input string, input_integer is the integer variable and input_float is the float variable.

Example 1:

In this example, we will print all variables on the same line.

# Consider the below string
input_str1="Welcome to"

# Consider the below integer

# Consider the below float

# Display all variables on same line 
print("Variables: %s%d%f" % (input_str1, input_2, input_3))


Variables: Welcome to4512.566000

All variables are printed on the same line.

Example 2:

In this example, we will print all variables on the same line by a separator ‘-‘.

# Consider the below string
input_str1="Welcome to"

# Consider the below integer

# Consider the below float

# Display all variables on same line with a separator
print("Variables: %s - %d - %f" % (input_str1, input_2, input_3))


Variables: Welcome to - 45 - 12.566000

All variables are printed on the same line separated by ‘-‘.

Here we will use f{} which will combine all variables that are placed inside {}.



Example 1:

# Consider the below string
input_str1="Welcome to"

# Consider the below integer

# Consider the below float

# Display all variables 


Variables:Welcome to4512.566

Example 2:

Let’s declare three variables and display them using f-strings

# Consider the below string
input_str1="Welcome to"

# Consider the below integer

# Consider the below float

# Display all variables 
print(f'Variables:{input_str1}{input_2}{input_3} are displayed')


Variables:Welcome to4512.566 are displayed


We discussed how to print a variable and string on the same line in Python using comma, f-strings, and formatting operators like %s,%f, and %d. Happy Coding.

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